New Zealand Trampoline Fact Sheet

Submitted by Sarah Williams

Hi All
Many of you were requesting the NZ Trampoline Fact Sheet so below is the text version for you all to see and comment on if you wish. We (NZ) do not sue companies etc if there is an accident, the ACC (Accident Compensation Commission) pay part or all of Hospital costs and/or other accident covered expences.

Trampolines are very popular in NZ, but a disturbing number of children are being injured while playing on them. Although potentially dangerous, trampolines are treated as play equipment by many people. The following are key facts regarding injuries from trampoline use in NZ.

In the Ten years 1979 - 1988, 2800 people were admitted to hospital and two died from trampoline injuries. It is estimated that about 2800 people are seen each year in emergency departments because of injuries from trampoline use. There has been a steady increase in the number of people being treated in hospital for trampoline injuries.

For those admitted to Hospital:

For those who went to emergency departments:

Common Sense Rules for Safer Use

Using the trampoline:

Well I hope you found that a good read. There are a list of more bits and peices of reading at the bottom but nothing really positive about the sport. Happy/Safe bouncing, Sarah

Sarah Williams (nee McPherson)
Organising Tutor
Phone: 03-479-7339
Computer Science Department
Fax: 03-479-8529
University of Otago
Dunedin, New Zealand

HTML version of an e-mail from Sarah Williams on august 19, 1996 to the Trampoline Mailing List, Martin Kraft.