My Trampoline carreer began in 1982 in the University Karlsruhe Trampoline Group. Since these days I competed or assisted in innumerable university trampoline competitions and I teached at some courses for new trampoline coaches in several universities.
Since 1988 I am one of the coaches of the Braunschweig Technical University trampoline group.
1999 I was appointed adh Trampoline Discipline Manager by the German University Sports Association (Allgemeiner Deutscher Hochschulsportverband, adh).
I am the maintainer of an address list of contact persons of trampoline groups at all German universities ("Obleuteliste"). This list serves as a means of contacting people at university trampoline groups for invitations or any other reasons. The list or individual addresses can be requested from me. Almost all of the contact persons agreed in publication of their address in the Online-Liste der Trampolin-Ansprechpartner an deutschen Hochschulen.
German universities which are interested in, or preparing for hosting the International German University Championships Trampoline (IDHM, Internationale Deutsche Hochschulmeisterschaften Trampolinturnen), can find more informations (in German) here: Sportartspezifische Hinweise für Ausrichter von adh-Wettkämpfen im Trampolinturnen and informations concerning the Interne Wertung bei (I)DHM Trampolinturnen. Many more hints and informations can be found in the Ausrichterleitfaden des adh (in German) which can be obtained from me or the adh directly.
Other Informations concerning
Trampolining at universities can be found at Trampolinturnen im Hochschulsport (Trampolining in
university sports).
Up-to-date informations, questions and answers
can be received and distributed (in German only) via the
Deutsche Hochschul-Trampolin-Mailingliste (German mailinglist
of university trampolining). I recommend to subscribe to this list to
all people interested in issues of German university trampolining,
provided you understand mailings in German language.
Some former university trampolinists prefer to stay in contact after finishing their studies. The Club der Alten Säcke (CdAS), founded by Susanne Sager and me, may be the ideal opportunity for this. It must be said, that it is not easy to get the club membership. One of the obstacles is, that there are no further informations in the World Wide Web and one must find another club member to get more informations!
Some university trampolinists are currently collecting national trampoline songs (also beeing interested in international lyrics), which were only delivered oraly so far. The current state can be found online in the Trampolinliederbuch (trampoline song book). We use to practise these songs under the shower after every competition, so come and join us for the next event ...